Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 Things

1. If I accomplish nothing more in life I would be 100% happy being in love, married, and a mommy.

2. I've known basically since I came out of the womb that I was going to be a teacher. I want to be the person who makes a lasting positive influence on kids-maybe when they don't have anyone else who will do that for them.

3. THE best gift my parents could have or ever will give me was raising me in a Christian home. I can't imagine how different my life would be without that because it has shaped everything about who I am today. I will be forever grateful to them for that.

4. Mexican food is my most favorite food in all the world!!

5. I can't imagine it being possible to love any children as deeply as I love my niece and nephew. I'll probably have this feeling until I have kids of my own someday.

6. I was almost born in Paris, France. Which leads me to...

7. When I was in 4th grade we had a substitute one day and she asked the class if any of us had ever been out of the country before. I raised my hand and proudly exclaimed that "I had been to Europe before!" She asked how I liked it and I said "I don't remember it my parents took me along when I was a baby." This was completely untrue, but I had decided since my mom was in Europe while she was 8 months pregnant with me that counted as me going along on the trip...I have no idea why I did that. It was silly and dumb.

8. I've always wanted an older brother- and to have a bigger family.

9. I'm a little bit obsessed with reality tv. Especially if it's on Bravo or E! All those shows suck me in and I can't help but watch.

10. After working at a florist for 2 and a half years it's made me obsessed with flowers. They are one of my secret passions. Anywhere I go that has flowers I automatically start to critique the arrangement in my head-I can't help it my brain does it without even thinking about it.

11. I've always wanted to live in Colorado Springs, but I probably never will because I don't want to leave my family behind.

12. I find it much easier to be friends with people older than me, than my own age. We're talking like around 10 years older and up.

13. I sometimes feel like I have an old soul in a young persons body. In a sense that I'm conservative and old fashioned.

14. I love the snow, cold, and winter. I wish I lived in a place that had more of it.

15. Graduating high school early was the best decision that I've ever made. I just wish I decided to do it sooner.

16. I'm a sucker for blonde hair-blue eyed guys, it gets me every time yet I have never dated one.

17. March 1 will always be a sour day in my book-as it was the day we found out about my mom's affair.

18. I love scary movies.

19. I usually bathe twice a day and everyone makes fun of me for that.

20. I desperately wish there was a way I could keep my niece and nephew from ever experiencing any of life's pain and heartache.

21. I drink enough water for a camel to survive on.

22. I love love love going to the lake in the summer. Except Lake Lewisville because that's toxic to everyone's health.

23. US Weekly magazine is one of my guilty pleasures.

24. I think The Office is one of the most genius tv shows ever created and I never miss it!

25. My faith is the most important thing I have-and something I will always hold onto for dear life.

1 comment:

  1. For #21, isn't that the thing about camels, that they don't need a lot of water? So are you saying you don't drink a lot of water?
